Monday, 1 September 2014

Homemade Tomato-Pesto

So, so simple and so, so useful.

Yes, you could just go out and buy some. But honestly, where is the fun in that?

And my mom was actually somewhat impressed when she heard that I started making my own pesto. She knows that it is not complicated to make (because, let's face it, she is a far better cook than I am), but I think she was impressed that I would willingly put in the time and (whatever little) effort it took to make something most people would just go out and buy.

I found that you could add pretty much anything to your pesto and truly make it your own flavour. I left out the nuts; most people go for pine nuts by the way; because one of my friends is allergic and there was a chance she would be staying for dinner...

So back to the Tomato-Pesto. Essentially I just put everything that I thought would taste good together into a measuring cup and puréed it.

Elaborate, I know.


  • fresh basil, approximately two hands full
  • dried tomatoes, halves, I used about 8
  • parmesan, grated, two tablespoons
  • black olives, 8-10
  • salt, pepper, olive oil

Just purée away.

I kept mine in a maison jar in the fridge and used it up in about 10 days. So, sadly, I can't tell you the exact shelf-life of it. But as soon as I make it again and keep it longer, I will let you know.

P.S.: Since we currently eat a lot of sandwiches for lunch, I took a couple of spoons of the pesto and mixed in some feta and more olives to turn it into a nice spread.
A crowd-pleaser!

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