Hey, little brother...
... I'm sorry that I neglected this little blog -again- for some time. I was busy with studying, lab-time, a trip to France (I'll write about that) and finals are coming up.And now that I'm back, the first thing I post is a recipe with asparagus. You must be a little disappointed, but I guarantee this pasta dish doesn't taste that much 'asparagus-like'.
This recipe is actually what happens when I am to busy to go to the grocery store a planned ;)
I bought the asparagus a couple of days ago and almost forgot about it. So before it got to waste I decided to try the typical 'student-like' way of inventing a new dish (read pasta-sauce).
I found some bacon, cherry tomatoes (I don't really now, if that is what they are called in English, but I'm talking about the little, almost sweet tasting tomatoes) and the asparagus - of course - in our refrigerator.
Adding those things together might sound a little strange, but my thought-process went as follows: asparagus tastes good with bacon, and bacon and tomatoes are the main ingredients in my favourite pasta-sauce..
Easy, right?
So here it goes...
You'll need:
- asparagus, green
- tomatoes, 300-500g
- bacon, in stripes
- butter
- crema di balsamico, optional
- penne
- salt, pepper

Cut the asparagus in almost penne-sized pieces and the tomatoes in halves.
Put a big pan on medium heat and melt some butter in it. Fry the bacon and the asparagus pieces together, but slowly (don't burn it!).
Toss it around every few minutes. Until the asparagus turns darker green - I know this sounds somewhat cryptic, but you'll see what I'm talking about...

Boil the pasta... as detailed on the box... ;) tricky, isn't it?
Now add the tomatoes to the asparagus and let everything just sit there for 5-8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Just before the pasta is done, take a cup and put some of the cooking water in the sauce and turn up the heat.
Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce, turn down the heat to a minimum, stir everything and let it sit there for another 2-3 minutes. This will allow the pasta to absorb a little of the sauce.
Tadaaa, done ;) This is really very basic, but the asparagus adds a nice touch to it.
If you feel up to an experiment, you could add some crema di balsamico, just before serving it. I liked the touch of a little extra taste, but some of my favourite test-eaters preferred the dish without the crema.
Bon appétit
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